úterý 30. října 2018

Dynamic System

How I did it?

1.  I had to play the dynamic system game until level 10 and do two photos of each one before doing it and the other with the level done.

2. then I put all the images on premiere pro and edit them, to edit the images I used opacity and scale

3. pu some text on the image to especify the before and the after.

čtvrtek 18. října 2018

Random SlideShow

How did I make it?

1. Fisrt I grabedd some random pictures from internet and tehen I putit all in the timeline.
2. I reudced the time at 10 seconds to introduce the brief topic.
3. Then I repeat the same proces but changing the time to 1 minute and making the image clearer to then put the same image on it and identify it.
4. Finally I put some music to accompany the full video and this is the final result.

úterý 9. října 2018

Exit Interview - January 2019

1. Comment about your work ethic in this course and why.   I didn't put to many effort on this subject so I could had a higher mark but...